Build The List
As mentioned earlier, if you want to make big money with Avon you need to help others achieve their goals – Sounds easy, well you’re not in this alone; you have an upline that is willing to help you, for the reasons just mentioned. But they can’t help you if you don’t want to be helped. Again if your trip is not that important to you……
Remember she who has the biggest list and contacts them wins!
Break it down first into customers, I’ll get you started, simply fill the list.
Family Members –Local
Family members – Distant
At the doctors office
At the dentist office
Where do you get your hair done? – your nails?
How about the folks a church?
At the grocery store
At the video store
At the bank
Real estate office
Town offices
Police Station
Your neighbor hood
(Ingrid and I hang between 350 and 400 books in our neighborhood each campaign)! No wonder she reaches president club every year and honor society – She’s committed, and so can you be! It always amazes me when reps buy 10 or 20 books and can’t understand why they make no money???