Friday, February 27, 2009

Your Welcome

Thousands of ladies have visited this blog and my website, I'm not looking to get rich at this (sure I know many will say - Yea Right). The truth is this, I couldn't buy a steak dinner with the money this venture has provided. Its not about that I make my money in other ways. I'm saddened by the number of Ladies I've met that are lost. Ladies that get no support or encouragement from anyone. Remember, your District Manager works for you! She is an employee of the Avon Corporation and paid for results, if she is not helping you she is not doing her job. Personally I'd call the division Manager, but hey that's me. Having said that there are many DM's that are wonderful and very helpful.
So I've provided this blog. Those Ladies that take the time to say thank-you are greatly appreciated - that for me makes it all worth it.
As for husbands - I lost my first wife to cancer in 1996 I was 36 and had a 14 year old son. I'm happily remarried now and have developed a profound respect for not only my wife but for all wives. Husbands should help their wives or at least support them. Period. Those that don't in our downline certainly get a call from me.
I can't answer all questions, I'm sorry I just don't have a lot of time but I do my best. Many of the answers are provided here and I'll address them here on the blog.
All the best, don't let anyone steal YOUR dreams!
D'Arcy Evans

Financial Disaster?

Is the good old USA coming to an end? I don't think so, however if you listen to the news you'd believe so. Sure times are tough, but remember this, the news is entertainment - nothing more. There was a time when it was informative but now its split down the middle. Are you a Dem or a Republican? Left or right? These folks are making a bundle keeping things stirred up. You may have your own financial problems and to you and your family they are very real, don't allow the media to fuel the fire to your misery. My response is simple - If its important enough, someone will let me know. I don't bother with the news, actually I find it annoying. I don't like being played for ratings. If you are going to be successful remember there are lots of folks simply trying to get by, offer them this business and help them and everybody wins!

Use Try Kits and Do Follow-Ups

Use Try Kits

Not everyone wants to commit – lets face it we live in a busy world – do we really need more to do? A try Kit will show a prospective new Rep that being an Avon Lady is really easy, that people don’t run from you and it shows them that it’s easy to approach others and develop their own business. Get with your upline regarding the latest Try Kits – it’s a secret weapon that works like a charm!

Do Follow – Ups!!!!

There is absolutely no sense in putting together a Try Kit, getting a prospects name and phone number and then not calling back. The Try Kits are your seeds but you need to harvest those seeds. If you choose not to call back you might just as well have stayed in bed. Think of it this way: the one person that you didn’t call could have been your next unit leader

This is the meat of the business, you don’t have to work hard you have to work smart. Ingrid will help you with the nut and bolts (products, ordering, dealing with Avon and such). We’re there for you; but make no mistake this is your business, success can be yours but you need to work for it, our job is to help you get out of this what you want. The good news is this Ingrid Evans is the most successful unit leader in her district, she is very knowledgeable in building an Avon business and she is will to assist you. You must be willing to assist others if you plan to achieve any kind of success – Work earnestly to assist your downline in achieving their goals and you will be successful!

Build The List

As mentioned earlier, if you want to make big money with Avon you need to help others achieve their goals – Sounds easy, well you’re not in this alone; you have an upline that is willing to help you, for the reasons just mentioned. But they can’t help you if you don’t want to be helped. Again if your trip is not that important to you……

Remember she who has the biggest list and contacts them wins!
Break it down first into customers, I’ll get you started, simply fill the list.

Family Members –Local
Family members – Distant
At the doctors office
At the dentist office
Where do you get your hair done? – your nails?
How about the folks a church?
At the grocery store
At the video store
At the bank
Real estate office
Town offices
Police Station
Your neighbor hood
(Ingrid and I hang between 350 and 400 books in our neighborhood each campaign)! No wonder she reaches president club every year and honor society – She’s committed, and so can you be! It always amazes me when reps buy 10 or 20 books and can’t understand why they make no money???

Long Term Goals

In six months you should not still be in the planning stages, you should be well on your way.

So what is your reason for taking this trip? Do you simply want to enjoy the scenery, or do you have a sick relative waiting for you on the other end? The importance of your trip will determine the commitment you put forth from the start to the end.

In 6 Months I Will Have Completed The Following:
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________

In 1 Year I Will Have Completed The Following:
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________

In 5 Years I Will Have Completed The Following:
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________

In 10 Years I Will have Completed The Following:
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________

Did you know that there are people in this business making several hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, and they did it in less then ten years! They have no fancy degree, they simply had a reason. You need to know your reason.

Purpose - Short And long Term Goals

If you have no reason for doing this or you don’t know what it is why would you do it? We’ll break this into short term realistic goals and some lofty long term goals.

My Short Term Goals for Next Week Are: (examples)

1. Complete contact sheet and understand provided info.
2. Watch the DVD or VHS video Successful people of Avon (with your husband/kids or perhaps your best friend.
3. Start reading any book on the power of positive thinking.
4. Put your long term dreams in front of you (tape them to the fridge).
5. Read over the material your upline provided in your start up kit.

These are just some ideas, how much effort are you going to put into this? Remember the harder you work the sooner you will get where you want to be. Look at it this way if you had to travel to the other side of the country how would you want to travel. – By foot, bicycle car, train, or by plane?
In order to complete the trip you’d have to know the route wouldn’t you? I mean; that would be the smart thing to do, sit down figure out where you need to stop for rest, for gas, are there construction problems ahead? The more informed you are the easier your trip. Imagine if you had someone traveling ahead of you that was providing you with the information you needed to make the trip – be real easy wouldn’t it?
Not if you had no reason for going – This is why so many people fail, they have no reason for going. They sit in their own little world, and miss out on the adventure of the trip! Remember this – it’s not the final destination that’s the reward; the fun in the trip is getting there! So what are you going to do this week?

1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________

I think this trip analogy works pretty well for our purposes, so we’ll continue; Imaging if you were driving on this trip if you had a co-driver. You know somebody to assist you in the driving, someone to help change a tire that sort of thing. Imagine it you had help, you’d get to your destination that much faster and you’d have company along the way. Wouldn’t it be a shame if your significant other missed out on the trip? (Your upline has enjoyed some wonderful trips – one was an all expense cruise to Alaska – shame she went alone)! The point is this, try to get your husband or boyfriend involved with the business, between the two of you can enjoy the ride together!


Your upline will hold a business meeting – you need to be there if its provided, there is something you will probable need – could be valuable information or additional training. Remember they’re here to help you get what you want. Sounds hard, but if your business is not important to you; Why should it be important to anyone else?

Dream Build And Teach Others to Do The Same

Dream build yourself and dream build with your ladies – remind them of their goals. Remember if you don’t have a reason for doing this you probably won’t and neither will your ladies. Visualize the result of your efforts. Put a list of how you see your life on the fridge (pictures work great)> Are you living in the house of your dreams, driving the car you desire or the car you can afford? Remember if you don’t want anything from life – that’s probably what you’ll get.

Dont Prejudge Anyone!

Some people have the seeds of greatness already within them; perhaps they simply needed a vehicle to achieve those goals. It would be a shame if you passed up a Executive Unit Leader because you decided they didn’t have what it takes! Get out there and talk to everyone, remember that busy people are usually the ones that get things done!

Be Patient!

Rome wasn’t built in a day! And neither will your Avon business. Think of it this way – you can generate as much income as a doctor we know that, what we forget is that doctor wasn’t doing surgery his first week of med school!
First you work – then you play, have faith and build, but remain realistic – remember our goals both shot term and long term. This thought process is known as delayed gratification.

Challenge Your Upline!

Can you build a more successful money making business than you upline? Absolutely. Your upline sets the pace as will you, we encourage our ladies to aspire to greatness – but keep in mind you will need to get up early in the morning to outdo your upline! This of coarse requires you have a motivated upline. If you are faced with (dead wood) headed up, then I would work your way upline until you find a leader that will work with you. In other words if the person that signed you if of no help find the lady that signed her, perhaps all you need if a word of encouragement.

Leadership Not For Everyone

Not everyone may have your aspirations, many ladies simply love the product and aren’t interested in working harder than necessary to achieve their goals (perhaps their goals are simply to make a few hundred bucks each month – That’s fine, help them with that but keep a look-out for the ones that are looking for financial freedom and assist them. In other words help other people get what they want and you will get what you want.

Ask Your Leadership For Help
Your leadership knows what they want and they are here to help you for the reasons described above (or they should be). Seek out the answers for yourself but don’t be afraid to ask.

The Truth About Direct Sales And MLM

Most people fail to make the kind of money they envisioned!

The reason is actually quite simple, there is rarely a get rich scheme that works, and to get rich you must be realistic, patient and work hard, but that makes sense doesn’t it?– Can I get rich selling Avon? The answer is NO.
You can’t do it by yourself there is only so much product you can sell. The trick is leadership. You are paid a percentage of others efforts. Call it a pyramid if you like the bottom line is this – If you want to build a successful Avon business – you NEED to help others achieve their goals. So the harder you work and the more people you sign up and teach to do the same thing the sooner you will get you where you want to be.

Getting rich is actually simple!
1. Learn The business
2. Sell the product
3. Teach others

First Steps

So you want to make big money with Avon. Internalize and follow these simple common sense rules and you’ll soon be leading the pack!

1. Find your hot button
What motivates you? It makes sense that if you want nothing in life that is probably what you’ll end up with.

2. Establish both short term and long term goals
Write it down – This week I plan to accomplish this…. I plan to be in presidents club this year by… I will recruit 3 ladies this week ect.

3. Know the business
Learning the business isn’t that difficult but it does require some effort – it’s important to keep with your up line, they are more familiar with the information you need to know and they are there to help!

4. Move the product
In its simplest form money is made by selling the product and teaching others to do the same – its that simple (well almost)

5. Offer the plan to others
You make money on the products you sell – but you can only sell so much on your own – what if you had 300 of you doing the same thing you are doing and were paid for their efforts. It equals BIG money!

6. Get your family involved
Imagine a motivated spouse? How about the kids talking up the business at school - (lots of ladies there). What about your sister the nurse… I think you get the idea, by the way if your spouse is not motivated – take him dream shopping for a new bass boat!

7. Keep your Avon business money separate!
Nothing torpedoes a business like sloppy practices – open a separate account and pay your bill on time every time!

Anything Worth Having Is Worth Working For

8. Look professional
Look your best – No you don’t need designer clothing but by the same token spandex with a coffee stained oversized tee-shirt is not likely to entice a lot of sales.

9. What does your tool box look like?
Building a successful Avon business with a handful of books is like baking a cake with only an egg! Probably not going to be successful. Remember this she who has the most samples and books and distributes them wins!

10. Have faith in yourself
If you follow the nine points listed you will be successful, this is not rocket science it’s a matter of persistence. You must take ownership for your business, no one is going to do it for you. Remember you are in business for yourself not by yourself, your up line will assist but you must do the work. Your dreams will be realized with the effort you exert.

There is only one sure way to fail at anything -
Give up