Your Welcome
Thousands of ladies have visited this blog and my website, I'm not looking to get rich at this (sure I know many will say - Yea Right). The truth is this, I couldn't buy a steak dinner with the money this venture has provided. Its not about that I make my money in other ways. I'm saddened by the number of Ladies I've met that are lost. Ladies that get no support or encouragement from anyone. Remember, your District Manager works for you! She is an employee of the Avon Corporation and paid for results, if she is not helping you she is not doing her job. Personally I'd call the division Manager, but hey that's me. Having said that there are many DM's that are wonderful and very helpful.
So I've provided this blog. Those Ladies that take the time to say thank-you are greatly appreciated - that for me makes it all worth it.
As for husbands - I lost my first wife to cancer in 1996 I was 36 and had a 14 year old son. I'm happily remarried now and have developed a profound respect for not only my wife but for all wives. Husbands should help their wives or at least support them. Period. Those that don't in our downline certainly get a call from me.
I can't answer all questions, I'm sorry I just don't have a lot of time but I do my best. Many of the answers are provided here and I'll address them here on the blog.
All the best, don't let anyone steal YOUR dreams!
D'Arcy Evans