Promote your Business!
A business that's not promoted will fail - guaranteed. Those that have done well did well because they got their name out there. It could be the difference between mediocre sales and retirement. Your success or failure is up to you, this is your business, what are you going to do with it?
Consider Our TOOL BOX
We've designed these products to get your business noticed (sure their nice and all) but they are just tools and they do work. Imagine for a moment wearing a sweat shirt while doing you grocery shopping - do you think there may ber someone there that could be A interested in Avon products or B looking for additional income? Of coarse there is - and there you are with clothing on that literally says "I SELL AVON YOU CAN TOO"
How many time a day do people go to the fridge (I go far too often). Imagine your name and business in front of them each time they open the fridge. How long do you really think paper cards really last? When was the last time YOU threw away a photograph? think about the different ways to distribute them but remember that 100 magnets on a desk at your home is not going to get you any sales - you must get them out there! Personalized Tools For Avon Representatives